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≡ Libro Gratis Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books

Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books

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Download PDF  Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books

These 16 true stories about dogs and love will warm the hearts of dog lovers and grinches alike. Some will bring a smile to your lips, others may bring a tear to your eye, but all will bring you to a closer appreciation of man's best friend.

Perhaps you will recognize some of the dogs you have loved as you hear about the pain of losing a faithful pet, or laugh about the absurdity of dressing a little dog in a corduroy coat. From the dog blinded by an acid-throwing neighbor, to the abandoned hound that made a family whole, these stories are about the importance of dogs in the emotional lives of humans.

Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books

As a dog lover myself, I can identify with some of it...such as acting as "doorman" when my partly "inside dogs" want in or out. And also that my employee is the pack alpha and I'm merely the slave.

The stories are out of sync. First the author spoke of Ruth's Ann's death without mention of how she died. Later in the book it was somewhat addressed but not completely. She also mentions a male dog posted at their door when Ruth Ann returned from being spayed. Ruth Ann was likely in heat when she was spayed. When a female in heat is spayed, it is mandatory to keep males away from her for a couple of weeks because the hormones remain in the system for a time. I'm surprised her vet did not alert her to this.

She wrote of her mother's neighbor throwing acid into the eyes of her mother's dog, which blinded the dog...not to mention causing unbearable pain. Unforgivable! Reading about this cruel act made me sick! Nothing else is mentioned about the neighbor. Was he prosecuted? If not, he should have been!

I organize low-cost spay/neuter clinics in my small town in the mountains of Panama. Through the years I've also rescued numerous dogs. Right now I have 18 dogs, and they are my family. Our excellent veterinarian comes from Costa Rica to operate at our monthly clinics. There are NO competent vets locally, so I've learned a lot about treating wounds and illnesses of dogs. I also help other local people with problems with their dogs.

Other than some punctuation errors, the book was fairly well written.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 1 hour and 17 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Peachtree Press
  • Release Date March 31, 2017
  • Language English

Read  Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books

Tags : Dogs and Love: Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition): Ferris Robinson, Joana Garcia, Peachtree Press: Books, ,Ferris Robinson, Joana Garcia, Peachtree Press,Dogs and Love: Stories of Fidelity,Peachtree Press,B06XXNX6KV
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Dogs and Love Stories of Fidelity (Audible Audio Edition) Ferris Robinson Joana Garcia Peachtree Press Books Reviews

I love my dog and I guess that makes me a dog lover. I have read many, many dog books written by all kinds of people. Some were writers others were not. This book "Dogs and Love" was really good and enjoyable. The writer and her family's love affair with Ruthie Ann and Bubba was truly touching. I liked it that she had many stories about them. I cried when they lost Ruthie and felt their pain, I have lost two of my little buddies and the loss is very painful, the are like our little furry children. Good Book.
First, let's start with the cover, and the cover photo (Bubba? Ruth Ann?). Just those, and I had to read this book.
Second, the Evil Sister...well, not really, but we all know her in one form or another...the Ones Who Think Dogs Are Animals. Who roll their eyes when you shred the chicken and carrots from the homemade soup for the dog's chicken and rice dinner, rather than a nice casserole or salad for us. Who protest that dogs have fur coats already when you insist on dogs wearing winter coats in cold weather. And maybe boots. Depending on the weather.
And third, the general family mushiness when it comes to the furry members of the group, and the stolen moments watching the kids love the dogs. Dogs somehow humanize us, and these wonderful moments are brought to us with sentiment but without sentimentality.
I found myself reading and reading and wishing the book was longer when I reached the end. Thanks for a truthful, emotionally accurate, interesting and lovely book. Please go write some more.
I feel exactly like the people in this book. I too feel the attachment to my dogs both the living ones and the ones that have crossed over the rainbow bridge. They rule is too and we definitely spoil them and they rule us. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Got such a kick out of this book. Who ever has loved a dog and still loves dogs of all kinds, this book is a good one. Some things reminded me of our yellow Lab, and others not so much, but all dogs and all people are different. Thank you for this darling book.
Didn't really need a book to tell me about a dog's love because I live with a 13 yr old chiweenie who was given to me by a family member and very rudely shoved a terrified 4 month old puppy into my arms as he wrapped his front paws around my neck and he has been my shadow ever since, he follows me everywhere and is waiting at the door when Mom gets home from the store. But I do enjoy reading books about dogs and the benefits they provide to humans and other pets. We had a cat and after a getting to know you period they would chase each other around the house providing hours of amusement. I really feel for people who have never had the benefit of growing up with a dog. They are the best companion the Lord could have provided mankind. And I am going to be a mess when his time comes.
Brought back so many stories of all the many dogs we've had over our sixty some years. I understood and empathized with each and every story. For the first time in 45 yrs of marriage, we are dogless. I keep hearing nails clicking on the floor, someone snoring from the dog bed, going to look outside to make sure the oldster is OK. It is unnerving in a way but I tell myself it's the dogs way of letting me know I am not alone, one of them is watching over us. Anyway, everyone needs to read this book! I loved her sister and her attitude!
Very heart warming & very meaningful I just lost my boxer lab mix he was amazing,so smart, very Loyal,had heart of gold Loved people it's been 11months well 1onths this August 11,2017 & I still cry the mornings and evenings are still very hard for me we we're together every day and night there was a very strong Bond that developed since very 1st day he was not just a dog he was family, best friend I've had other dogs & never had these strong feelings for them & I alot lately read like this book dogs can show how much they love you in so many different ways I Know my dog bullet show'd me wish more people could have saw how he was the pain of losing him & missing him are still so strong well I apologise for rambling on there just so much I could still say but I recommend anyone that loves dogs and is dealing with a lot of a faithful family member & true friend read these books exspecially one called true love and unbreakable bond it'll touch your heart I'll end with R.I.P. my beloved true friend,& family member I'll miss you & you'll never be forgotten & September 11,2017 will be your 1yr Anniversary daddy would do anything to have his friend back I'm lost without you, you we're a true blessing & an honor to have been your friend ok Daddy loves you Bullet I'm starting to cry ok bye Bubba R.I.P. true friend.
As a dog lover myself, I can identify with some of it...such as acting as "doorman" when my partly "inside dogs" want in or out. And also that my employee is the pack alpha and I'm merely the slave.

The stories are out of sync. First the author spoke of Ruth's Ann's death without mention of how she died. Later in the book it was somewhat addressed but not completely. She also mentions a male dog posted at their door when Ruth Ann returned from being spayed. Ruth Ann was likely in heat when she was spayed. When a female in heat is spayed, it is mandatory to keep males away from her for a couple of weeks because the hormones remain in the system for a time. I'm surprised her vet did not alert her to this.

She wrote of her mother's neighbor throwing acid into the eyes of her mother's dog, which blinded the dog...not to mention causing unbearable pain. Unforgivable! Reading about this cruel act made me sick! Nothing else is mentioned about the neighbor. Was he prosecuted? If not, he should have been!

I organize low-cost spay/neuter clinics in my small town in the mountains of Panama. Through the years I've also rescued numerous dogs. Right now I have 18 dogs, and they are my family. Our excellent veterinarian comes from Costa Rica to operate at our monthly clinics. There are NO competent vets locally, so I've learned a lot about treating wounds and illnesses of dogs. I also help other local people with problems with their dogs.

Other than some punctuation errors, the book was fairly well written.
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